Anxiety involves having persistent worry and fear about everyday situations or new ones. You will experience changes in your body such as increased heart rate, trembling, sweating, etc. It may affect your functioning of an individual. The constant worry over things around, may lead to being fatigued, hence it’s important to take care of self. If you are experiencing this frequently then seeking help can aid you to deal with it better.
Experiencing constant or uncontrollable worries about various things in everyday life. Each individual experiences different kinds of symptoms when going through the daily worry-some state. Common physical symptoms are sweating, restlessness, difficulty swallowing and using the restroom a lot.
Experiencing repetitive unwanted thoughts (obsessive thoughts) and/or uncontrollable behaviours or urges (compulsive actions). These thoughts and actions do not give any pleasure. Individuals often spend a significant amount of time and energy engaging in their obsessions and compulsions in order to reduce anxiety. One may end up engaging in extensive rituals, like – repetitive cleaning to avoid germs, repetitive counting to avoid making any mistakes, re-arranging objects again and again due to the need of them being in a certain order, etc.
Sudden burst of intense fear triggering physical changes, when there is no exact reason or cause of panic. Feeling constantly afraid of having another attack. This fear itself can become the trigger of another one. Common symptoms of a panic attack are chest pain and difficulty in breathing which makes one feel that they may be having a heart-attack or about to die.
People experience persistent worry due to an unpleasant experience that had occurred in the past or recent times. One may have experienced flashbacks or bad dreams of that episode, much like re-living the event. Having a physiological reaction, like heart rate becoming faster is common after it.