Trauma is an emotional response to an extremely stressful or frightening event that disturbs an individual's ability to cope and function properly. These experiences tend to be sudden, unpredictable and leave a deeply negative impact on the person. A traumatized person can feel a range of emotions immediately after the event, and also in the long term. They may feel overwhelmed, helpless, shocked, or have difficulty processing what happened. Traumatic events cause physical, psychological, and emotional injury beyond one's control. Some symptoms may resolve in a few weeks, while others may take longer.
Injuries to the body caused by an external force. Example: Broken bones from a car accident.
Deep psychological distress from upsetting events. Example: Persistent fear after witnessing violence.
Involuntary sexual experiences that cause emotional and psychological harm. Example: Sexual assault.
Mental and emotional stress from experiencing or witnessing disturbing events. Example: PTSD after military combat.
Repeated exposure to traumatic events, often starting in childhood. Example: Long-term domestic abuse.