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What is Bipolar Disorder?

In this condition, an individual experiences extreme changes in mood in phases that disturbs their thoughts, emotions and actions. The changes or shift in mood is usually marked between feeling high (episode of mania) or low (episode of depression). These phases or episodes may have mixed occurrences too. It creates a huge impact on the daily functioning of the person. Heredities do play a significant role, although irregularities in the functioning of the brain and environmental influences also contribute or trigger it. The symptoms may appear at any age, though it usually starts between the ages of 18 – 29 years. It is difficult to understand the occurrences of the symptoms; hence, the first step to take is to consult a mental health professional.


Bipolar I

Individual experiences at least one phase of mania (feeling elevated and high), which lasts for 7 days or longer. One may have gone through a phase of depression (feeling mostly low) or have mixed symptoms when in the opposite state. It affects daily functioning in a severe manner. One may have distorted thinking or behavior leading to losing contact with reality (hallucination and delusion) in any of the mood states.

Bipolar II

In this condition one does experience elevated mood, but less severe than in Bipolar I. It mostly involves having phases of depression (low mood) for at least 14 days or longer, in between which one may have elevated mood for 3-4 days. When in an elevated state, one can carry out a few of their daily chores. One may have distorted thinking or behavior leading to losing contact with reality (hallucination and delusion) in the depressive condition.


In this condition the mood symptoms keep fluctuating between elevated mood (mania) and low mood (depression) for at least two years or more. It is comparatively less severe than the other two types. People suffering from cyclothymia have an increased risk of developing bipolar disorder in the future; hence seeking help from professionals is a vital step. Low mood has a more impairing effect on daily functioning compared to the elevated one.




  • A higher sense of well-being.
  • Feel extremely confident.
  • Feel that nobody can defeat you or harm you, i.e., invincible.
  • Heightened belief in self, physical and mental abilities.
  • Irritable and restless.



  • More energetic than usual.
  • Inability to sleep properly, or not sleep at all.



  • Elevated mood – overly happy and ecstatic.



  • Adventurous and willing to take risks.
  • Talking more than usual, in at an increased speed, where people may have difficulty in understanding
  • Behaving in an inappropriate manner, something that one don’t usually do.
  • Being impolite to others.
  • Physically aggressive towards others.
  • Taking actions which are unsafe.


There are several factors that may cause bipolar disorder in people. They are as follows.

Emotional difficulties and trauma in Childhood– The early experiences one has in their childhood has a great impact on their well-being. Having a lot of negative and unwanted experiences, like – abuse (physical, verbal or sexual), parental neglect, losing a loved one, etc., can lead to developing this condition.

Life hassles – The symptoms may start appearing when triggered by unhappy taxing events or times, like – having a break-up, financial worries, or sudden loss of work. These do not directly contribute, but can give an initial push to it.

Chemicals in the brain – Researches have shown that some people experience changes in the structure of the brain, while some show imbalance of the chemicals in the body. Dopamine (carries messages between brain cells) and serotonin (regulates mood) are the two major chemicals that undergo a change and cause an effect on the behavior, thoughts and feelings of an individual. Hence, medication is a vital part of the treatment.

Family History and genetic inheritance – Having a blood related family member or parent who has experienced similar symptoms increases the likelihood of them experiencing it too. Genes alone don’t cause bipolar disorder; the other factors combined can lead to it.

Alcohol or Substance dependence– Alcohol or other substances like marijuana/cannabis and other psychedelic substances can trigger the symptoms. Although, few researchers also say that people in this condition tend to use more of these substances to find relief from the issues and develop a harmful pattern over it, making it worse. When seeking treatment, it is important to stop consuming alcohol or any other substances which would stop the effect of the medicine and cause further health related troubles.

Myths and Facts


How to help self?

Following are some of the ways that you can make use of to help yourself

Look out for early warning signs – Being able to identify the early warning signs can help you get intervention on time. Different individuals experience varied symptoms. Few of them are:
Changes in sleeping pattern, i.e., sleeping more or less than usual
Changes in the eating habits, i.e., eating more or less than usual
Changes in actions, i.e., being more energetic or less active
Changes in mood, i.e., too happy or too low

Actions to take when feeling unwell– The moment you realize, you are experiencing one of the above mentioned symptoms, you could do the following:
Ask for help from someone you trust to take you to a mental health professional
Take the trusted persons help in understanding the symptoms better, whether they see any behavioral changes in you
Think about what triggered the symptoms
Regular visits to the professional for support and check-up
Keep a note of the changes you experience and identify, to be able to share

Seek treatment – People suffering from such condition have varied experiences, hence, taking professional help is necessary and beneficial. One could avail any of the following:

Talk Therapy – Talk therapy involves having a conversation with a trained mental health professional. Through this, one learns about their problems and how to deal with their feelings, and thoughts; and explore the behaviors that have an effect on their lives.

Medication – There are licensed medical doctors that can help an individual going through this problem. They can provide support by understanding how the brain is working; whether it is affecting one’s thought, emotions, and behaviour. They diagnose the severity using physical and mental assessments. Psychiatrists prescribe and monitor medication to steadily reduce the effects of the symptoms on one’s life.

Psycho-educating of family members – Knowing the symptoms, causes, and its effects can give your family members a basic idea of what you are suffering from. Knowing the experiences of others gives them a better understanding of how it develops. It is important for them to recognize that every individual has different symptoms and reactions.

Take care of your physical and mental health – There are several documented lifestyle practices that have proven to be beneficial. Few of the simple ones are:

Exercise – A few stretches, a bit of high energy exercises and some steps releases feel good hormones called endorphins, and pump one up. Doing this for a few minutes each day will give one the boost they need to feel better.

Avoiding alcohol or other substances– The habit of using alcohol or any other substances (marijuana or drugs), may end up developing a pattern. Dealing with this pattern leads to more difficulty and interferes with the effects of the prescribed medicines.

Healthy meals on time– Having a healthy meal at an interval of 4 hours, releases rewarding chemicals called dopamine in the body. It regulates both the energy and mood towards a feel good state.

Maintaining sleep hygiene– Maintaining your sleep schedule, that is getting sleep for at least 7-8 hours can help your system recharge to carry on another day. While sleeping, the brain releases growth hormones that help one not only grow but also repair.

Pre-plan your help – When actively experiencing the symptoms, it could be difficult to communicate that you need help. Hence, when in a comparatively better state, take the help of the professional you consult and let loved ones know the symptoms well enough. This will give them the cue that you are going through a difficult phase.

How to help others?

It can be challenging to understand what to do when someone close to you is experiencing symptoms of bipolar disorder. The key to helping them is being there for them. It may need a bit more patience than usual. Encouraging words from time to time could push them a long way, starting from taking treatment to self-care.

Gaining more awareness about bipolar disorder– Being aware of the symptoms, causes, and its effects can give you a basic idea of what your loved one is suffering from.
Reading through the experiences of others gives a better understanding of how it develops and what people go through. It is very important to remember that every individual has different reactions to the symptoms.
Taking the help of an expert gives a better comprehension of the issue and how it develops. There are dos and don’ts of handling individuals in such case, making it easier to support.

Self-care – While taking care of your friend or family member(s) well-being, it is important to do the same for yourself. Taking proper breaks, eating meals on time, taking proper rest is vital along-side caretaking of others. Remember :
It’s not necessary to help someone alone. You could have another caring friend or family member pair up to aid them better.
Having someone to talk to or share your feelings, whether that is a friend or a professional therapist/ counselor, could help you vent too.
Take care of your health – exercise daily, eat meals on time, maintain sleep hygiene and take out time for your hobbies on a regular basis.

When to take help – When you observe that there are changes in the behavior it could either be a manic phase or depression. Look out for few early signs that could indicate which one your loved one is in currently. Immediate consultation with a mental health professional is mandatory.

Manic Episode:
1. Making decisions without thinking much about the consequences (impulsive)
2. Seem extremely happy to the point that no tragic news or event could change that
3. May claim to have special abilities or connection with God, celebrities or ancient historical individuals.
4. Getting easily irritated
5. Changes in the sleep or eating pattern
6. Talking too fast or out of context

Depressive Episode:
1. Seem sad and unhappy mostly
2. Their body language and facial expression gives indication of the fact that the person has lost hope and nothing to look forward to
3. Doesn’t show any interest in any activity and has low energy
4. Changes in the sleep or eating pattern
5. Talk about death more often

Tips to remember when helping
1. When they are actively experiencing symptoms, try to remain calm and relaxed while talking to them. Your calmness could influence the person to feel positive and calm down a bit.

2. Help prepare a schedule or plan for them each day, to regulate the activity after consulting a professional regarding it. It will help them control the symptoms and issues.

3. Encourage the person to take regular treatment, so that they can improve their state and live an active normal life.

4. Be observant about comments or actions that indicate thoughts about death, self-harm like cutting or ingesting substances. Pre-set the number of a psychiatrist or psychologist in your phone who you could contact immediately in such a situation.

Practical help-– You could start by helping them understand the necessity of a professional intervention. Their constant worry and distorted thinking pattern may have fogged their ability to have a clear understanding of why one needs intervention.
You would have to help them further by arranging a doctor’s appointment, be there with them when visiting a psychiatrist or a therapist.
A simple reminder to take the prescribed medicine on time could help one improve along with timely meals and proper rest.

Story of Perseverance
